

Database Infrastructure Management and Modeling Services

Making the Most of Your Data Investments
Data is without doubt one of your organization’s greatest assets. But how do you leverage it best to support your departmental or corporate goals?
Sometimes it’s difficult to step back from your day-to-day responsibilities and “see the forest for the trees.” How do you get from A-to-Z on a data warehouse project or Master Data Management (MDM) initiative? What are the best practices for database migration? How do you make your work more relevant and useful to your business constituents? Programmer’s Paradise can help!

Data Modeling Expertise
With the appropriate advice and guidance, your in-house data modeling tools can become the hub of your data management initiatives. Programmer’s Paradise data modeling specialists can customize solutions and help your team put processes in place to formalize your data management initiatives, leading to true data governance.
Our professional services include education, modeling tool migration, and enhanced support packages that help drive your data management projects to completion. Whether your current projects focus on traditional database design, a data warehouse project, or a Master Data Management (MDM) initiative, leverage our expertise to complement your efforts and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Data Modeling
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and a good data model relieves a thousand hours of frustration.  Syndicating your data models helps to reduce the time and money spent on software development, while enhancing  your data quality and enforcing data standards. Programmer’s Paradise specialists can show you how.
Using market leading data modeling tools, we can show your team how to standardize your data assets across your enterprise. We can help you develop processes for data governance, metadata management, and data quality initiatives with easy-to-navigate and easy-to-publish diagrams of your corporate assets.

Data Warehousing
Whether implementing a Kimball or Inmon approach, building a data warehouse requires the identification of data assets and transformation of data across different systems with different data standards. Careful design is necessary to ensure the accuracy of your data.
Our team of consultants provides services to help facilitate and accelerate the creation of your data warehouse using your data modeling tools. Regardless of your industry or data modeling tools, our team will work with you to design solutions based on your needs. 

Master Data Management (MDM) Initiatives
An MDM approach allows your enterprise to eliminate duplicate data, remove process and data redundancies and ensure data governance and data quality standards across your entire enterprise. Using data profiling tools, Programmer’s Paradise MDM specialists can facilitate your Master Data Management initiatives—quickly locating your data sources and helping to identify any data quality issues.

To learn more about how Programmer’s Paradise database specialists can help you, please contact us for a FREE introductory discovery conference call:

Senior Pre Sales Consultant
1157 Shrewsbury Ave.
Shrewsbury, NJ, 07702
Office- (800) 441-1511